
Creche, Day care & Rural Mothers


King Edward Memorial Hospital has a creche onsite to assist parents with outpatient appointments and visitation to the NICU. Children aged 8 weeks to 7 years are able to attend for short periods between 8am and 3.45pm. Further information on the creche service can be found here.

Day Care

Families may be able to access an Additional Child Care Subsidy whilst their baby is in the neonatal unit or whilst they are on long term hospital bedrest.  We have collated all of the appropriate information about this subsidy in a blog posts here.  Further should your baby be at Perth Children's Hospital they have a child care facility on site and may be able to care for siblings within that facility.

Rural Mothers

Mothers travelling to King Edward Memorial Hospital for the birth of their baby and subsequent NICU/SCN stay may be eligible to stay at Agnus Walsh House, onsite at KEMH, at no charge. Accommodation is basic and for mothers only. Discuss this option with the nurses on the ward or your allocated social worker.